We are pleased that the State Senate included a restoration of Medicaid “prescriber prevails” protections in its one-house budget bill.
The Senate restored protections for all classes of patients, which is the right thing to do.
All patients expect and deserve to have doctors – not health plan managers — make the final determination on which drugs they receive. No one should have their treatment regimen disrupted and their health endangered.
The State Assembly — while agreeing that the policy needs to be changed – made only a partial restoration of the protections –applying only to those few individuals left in fee for service Medicaid and those being treated for mental illness in managed care.
We hope the Assembly will work with the Senate to further strengthen the protections.
In this regard, the logic that leads one to conclude that a doctor should have a final say over which drugs a mental health patient receives must also apply to cancer patients or AIDS patients or anyone suffering from a chronic disease.
Today’s Siena poll strongly underscores this point. An overwhelming percentage of New Yorkers believes that doctors, not health plan managers, should determine what drugs Medicaid patients receive. And when asked directly who they wanted to make final prescribing decisions for themselves and their families, 98 percent of respondents said they wanted their doctor to make the decision.
Moreover, as a recent CornellUniversity study has found, the cost of restoring the full protections is only fraction of what was claimed by the administration.
Restoring prescriber prevails protections is right from a health care perspective, is supported overwhelmingly by New Yorkers and is affordable.
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
NAACP NYS Conference
Hispanic Federation
Gay Men’s Health Crisis
Latino Commission on AIDS
1 in 9: The Breast Cancer Action Coalition
Medical Society of the State of New York
New York Chapter, AmericanCollege of Physicians
New YorkStateAcademy of Family Physicians
New YorkState Osteopathic Medical Society
Association of Hispanic Mental Health Professionals
National Association of Black Cardiologists
NY Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses
NY State Rheumatology Society
Mental Heath Association in New YorkState
US Pain Foundation
Northeast Kidney Foundation
The Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies, Inc.
Lupus Foundation of Mid and Northern NY
Lupus Foundation of Genesee Valley NY, Inc.
S.L.E. Lupus Foundation
Lupus Alliance of America, NY Southern Tier Affiliate
Lupus Alliance of America, Long Island/Queens Affiliate
Lupus Alliance of America, Upstate NY Affiliate
Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation
NAMI Queens/Nassau
International Institute for Human Empowerment
Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services
Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
New York MS Coalition Action Network
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association
SKIP of New York, Inc.
Global Healthy Living Foundation