The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today a new partnership with New York to test a delivery-of-care system to some 170,000 Medicare-Medicaid enrollees.
The demonstration’s goal is to improve the coordination of care for this population with more person-centered service. Beneficiaries will have the opportunity to direct their own services, be involved in care planning, and live independently in the community.
New York is the seventh state to partner with CMS for a demonstration. It will cover Medicare-Medicaid enrollees in New York City, Long Island and Westchester County. NY’s demonstration, called “Fully Integrated Duals Advantage,” will follow a capitated model, where the state and CMS contract with health plans who provide the coordinated care.
For more information, here’s the full press release from CMS. And here’s a fact sheet with more details on the NY demonstration and the CMS program in general.
-Jaime Venditti, 8/26/13