Prescriber Prevails Update


Prescriber Prevails Update:
Prescriber prevails is a policy that allows medical providers and patients to have the final say over medication decisions.  This year, the Executive budget proposes to reduce prescriber prevails – cutting patient access to important medications.  Patient groups across New York State are calling on their state representatives to protect prescriber prevails in Medicaid and extend it to all therapeutic classes.  We ask Governor Cuomo, the New York State Senate, and the New York State Assembly to protect prescriber prevails and extend it to all medication classes in Medicaid.


Urgent Action: Contact Your Legislator to

Fight for “Prescriber Prevails”!


The 2014-2015 NYS Budget must protect and expand “prescriber prevails” for all patients in Medicaid. “Prescriber prevails” protects patients.


Prescriber prevails is a policy that allows medical providers and patients to have the final say over medication decisions.  This year, the Executive budget proposes to reduce prescriber prevails – cutting patient access to important medications.


Patient groups across New York State are calling on their state representatives to protect prescriber prevails in Medicaid and extend it to all therapeutic classes.




Tell Your Senators:

Thank your for protecting prescriber prevails and extending it to all classes!

Majority Leader Dean Skelos: 518-455-3171, Facebook, Twitter, Email


Senator Jeffrey Klein: 518-455-3595, Facebook, Twitter, Email


Senator John DeFrancisco: 518-455-3511, Facebook, Twitter, Email


Senator Kemp Hannon: 518-455-2200, Facebook, Twitter, Email


Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins: 518-455-2585, Facebook, Twitter, Email


Senator Gustavo Rivera: 518-455-3395, Facebook, Twitter, Email



Tell Your Assemblymembers:

Please extend prescriber prevails for all medication classes in Medicaid.  We can’t discriminate between which patients are protected and which are left out.


Speaker Sheldon Silver: 518-455-3791, Email


Assemblyman Herman Farrell: 518-455-5491, Email


Assemblyman Richard Gottfried: 518-455-4941, Twitter, Email


Assemblyman Andrew Raia: 518-455-5952, Facebook, Twitter, Email


Assemblyman Brian Kolb: 518-455-3751, Facebook, Twitter, Email