In this week’s Dose, in addition to the usual links to important updates and the latest news on health issues brewing through out the state, we are including the link to our ‘Prescriber Prevails’ survey. If you haven’t completed it yet, please take the time now to click on the link and provide us your input. We also would appreciate it, if you would share the link with your members. Thank you.
The January 2014 Medicaid Update is now available.
New York may have to return Medicaid funds to the federal government as part of the ongoing debate around overpayments for services for the disabled, Capital New York reports.
Governor Cuomo discusses the success of the I-STOP program here. He also announced $851 in Medicaid recoveries for 2013 here.
The New York Daily News reports that New York’s health Exchange has enrolled over 380,000 persons as of this week.
In this week’s health budget hearing, Health Commissioner Nirav Shah stated that the Basic Health Plan, as proposed by Governor Cuomo and designed to provide health insurance coverage to legal immigrants and other adults, will not move forward without federal approval.
Amfar has announced their Countdown to a Cure for HIV/AIDS By 2020 that includes a plan to invest $100 million into research over the next six years.
The Wall St. Journal writes that ten pharmaceutical companies are partnering with the National Institute of Health to find new medicines for the treatment of lupus, diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer’s.
Kaiser Health News explores the potential for loss of pharmaceutical manufacturer patient discount program access under the Affordable Care Act.
CVS Pharmacies will stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products in October of this year. This is in keeping with CVS’ evolution as more of a health care provider than retail business.
Shivering is good for you.
The New York Times ran this op-ed about Narcan, an antidote to opioid overdose, which argues that it should be more easily available.
Prescriber Prevails Survey
We’d like to ask for just a few moments of your time to take a brief, five question survey on prescriber prevails patient protection. We value your thoughts and thank you for helping us understand the public’s opinion on this important topic. We also would appreciate it, if you would share the link with your members. You can access the survey by clicking on the following link:
Prescriber Prevails Survey from NY Health Works